Error Codes

See below code for error handling. If any error is happening then please send us the logs and screenshot to this email address: for support.

Code Message
400aa001 Authorization token is invalid.
400aa002 Authorization token has expired.
400aa003 - You must be authorized to access the data.
- Un-supported method.
400aa004 - Bad request
- Missing data
- Checkout ID has expired or already used
400aa005 Invalid login credentials.
400aa007 Not allowed
400aa008 - Not Found
- Transaction details not found, it's a failed transaction.
400aa009 Not Implemented
400aa010 Success / OK
400ab001 Success transaction
400ab002 Failed transaction
400ab003 Aborted/Canceled transaction
400ab004 Pending transaction
100ua003 Technical error occurred, share your request along with token on mail address:
100ua004 Technical error occurred, share your request along with token on mail address: